Students Calculator for JAVA phones
I'd like to present to you JAVA calculator for students with input of the string from keyboard.
The problem with paucity of buttons was sold by separation of functions onto 4 levels:
1st digitss and .
2nd sin, cos, tan, *, /, +, (), square, square root,
3d asin, acos, atan, ln, log, exp(x), (-), 10x, π, xy, n-th root,
4th sh, CH, th, ash, ach, ath, ANS (inserts the answer into the line), abs, the factorial, X.Y (variables given by user).
Levels are switched by #.
It is checked, that the speed of entry on it is mostly the same as in usual calculators. As a maximum it will be necessary fpr an operator to press button 4 times to press button, and since the majority of pressures is fallen to the numbers, then on the average it will come out near 1 pressure :)
Calculator provides approximately 16 decimal digits accuracy. For calculations with the numbers with floating point it uses class from Roar Lauritzsen.
Calculator is written under MIDP1.0 and CLDC1.0
Download: Archive RAR: link1, / JAR file: link1 / JAD file: link1